I think this is a really cool occurrence. In a time where we are so reliant on gadgets to help us navigate through life, almost eliminating our need to rely on instinct, we have this natural phenomenon that happens every year that is embedded in our instincts from the dawn of man and maybe you feel its effects, maybe you don’t. The fact is, this phenomenon we call spring fever is so visceral, so primal, so intuitive….and yet there are probably people out there who have no idea why they feel so frustratingly good once the sun comes out and kisses the skin. This is such a magical time to really tune in to your body and your senses and experience life from a sensual place. Spring fever gives most people extra energy, so what do we do with that? A lot of us go use it on exercise; others perhaps use it on creative endeavors; while others expend their energy on the chase and some extra circular activities. Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge.
On your mat, you have an opportunity to explore that sensual side as you move through asana (yoga poses) and connect with your breath. Notice your heartbeat. Is it quickened or slow and steady? Notice the parts of your body that you love and praise them. Love yourself up!!! Think of this time on your mat as a hot date with yourself. Allow yourself to be seduced by your breath, the movement of your body as you flow through poses; being completely in your senses.
For some of us, to allow ourselves to open up to our sensual side can be scary. It breaks us wide open and makes us feel vulnerable. We are raw, real and primal in that moment and it can feel like we are losing our sense of control. However, if you allow it, it can be so liberating and so blissful; you may find yourself in tears. Let it go. Let yourself go. Liberate yourself. Move from a place of intuitive knowing. You know the poses and their alignment… now move from a place of feeling. If your breath becomes an ecstatic moan, let it be so. Be yourself on your mat; your true, ecstatic, vulnerable self.
Relinquish your control and your measured responses with yourself. Why would you have measured responses with yourself anyway?? Let the boundaries you put in place with yourself fade away. When you allow those boundaries and obstacles to crumble, you connect so much deeper to everything going on within you and everything around you as well. Your practice can become an all encompassing experience if you want it to be: you connect to your breath, your body, your thoughts and emotions and to some degree, depending on how spiritual you are, your higher self.
I have been known to liken my yoga practice to the greatest sex of my life because I feel like I am making love to my soul. For me to have to back away from my asana practice when I injured myself was like being forced to break up with the love of my life. My heart broke. And yet, during my physical therapy, I have had my weak moments where I have ventured back to that love only to suffer a set back in my healing. My practice has become the lover I simply can’t stay away from.
Even now, as the weather gets warmer and days longer, I feel that familiar pull on my heartstrings; that need to indulge in my sensual self; to turn myself upside down and inside out to connect with my heart and be moved to tears as I reunite with the greatest parts of myself.
This is what I hope for all yoga students. To experience that same visceral connection, that intuitive pull to discover how amazing you are and crave to rediscover it everyday.
"For it was not into my ear that you whispered, but my heart.
It was not my lips that you kissed, but my soul".
~Judy Garland
"For it was not into my ear that you whispered, but my heart.
It was not my lips that you kissed, but my soul".
~Judy Garland
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