On another note, I've been seeing that NYT article from a different angle. This may sound paranoid, but hear me out. I hate politics, but this seems plausible.
In the past 10 years or so, the yoga community has exploded. In the past 5 years, it's really taken off. Think about the circumstances over the past 5 or so years. Economic turmoil, job losses, housing market chaos and healthcare reform. The list goes on and many people have been thrust into a state of reflection and reevaluation due to these trying times. Perhaps they turn to yoga as a way to alleviate the stress of losing a house or a job. Moments of loss provide us with an opportunity to reflect and reassess our life and our goals. We start to question if we still buy into the same beliefs we have adopted over time about society, religion and politics. The time we spend on our mat can give us clear perspective about what is truly important to us. We start to see that we can make a difference instead of letting ourselves and our lives be controlled by outside influences.
An interesting statistic that my teacher threw out during teacher training is that the vast majority of people who practice yoga are Caucasian with a college degree or higher and tend to fall into the category of "middle to upper-middle class", which is where most families rank in the U.S. That's where the politicians need to get their votes from. However, if all these middle class families are now practicing yoga, they are more aware of what's happening in the world. They begin contemplating what they value and the quality of life they would like to have for themselves and their families, instead of following the rest of the herd and voting for the candidate with the best presence at the podium or the candidate who will make history. A very informed decision will be made about who will run the country next. This is bad news for certain political parties if their priorities don't align with the rest of the country that truly wants change and will make a stand to get it. Look back at Occupy Wall Street and all the other movements that took place to show that change is needed and sought after.
So was the NYT article published as simply an informative piece expressing genuine concern for the welfare of others? Or was it published as a political smack and smear campaign against yoga in an attempt to regain control over society in a presidential election year? We may never know for sure, but an article such as that preys on the narrow minded and fearful and when a headline like "How Yoga Can Wreck Your Body." is the first thing people see, they assume they don't need to read the whole article......all they see is "yoga can wreck your body."......and that is enough to keep them out of a yoga class.
Those in the know, know that yoga is more positive than negative. It is reshaping our society and our culture for the better and politicians fear that people will really start to question them and hold them to their promises instead of simply voting for the guy who says he'll change things, but never does. Society wants tangible results now, but the politicians want the people to be the sheep that will simply follow along mindlessly and be taken advantage of. Enough! We are yogins, and we have minds of our own and voices that will be heard and will make a difference.
Be the change you want see in the world.