Friday, March 18, 2011

Unseen Fruit

As the days get longer and the weather gets warmer, the signs of spring begin to show themselves. The crocus bloom, the tulips start to emerge, the hyacinth surface from the earth and the robins return to hopping across the grass looking for worms. Ah Spring! There is almost an audible stirring happening just below the surface. Everything is beginning to show promise and possibility.

Adrsta-phala (adreeshta-pala) is the Sanskrit word for "unseen fruit". When we plant our gardens, we open the packets of seeds, put them in the ground and never once second guess whether or not we will get tomatoes or peas. We take it on faith that the seeds we plant will produce the desired results. We believe in the unseen fruit.

Our life is like a garden and it works much the same way, but most of the time, we aren't conscious of the seeds we are planting. In fact, many of us plant seeds that produce poisonous fruit and let the weeds and pests take over the garden. We need to have awareness regarding the thoughts we think, the words we say and the actions we take. These are the seeds that we ultimately plant. This makes the difference between having a healthy, thriving garden or a weed bed with pests and poor soil. Which one do you want?

The greatest people in history who accomplished amazing things never once doubted that they would make their dreams come to fruition; nor did they have any idea how they would possibly get to their desired result. They believed in the unseen fruit. They had faith in their dreams and desires and did a little every day in the direction of their dreams. Through trial and error, learning the whole way, their dreams manifested. The Wright Brothers, Henry Ford, Einstein.....all amazing minds and they had big dreams that came into being through faith in the adrsta-phala.

Consider your garden for a moment. What does it look like in your mind's eye. Is it stirring with promise and possibility or is it an overgrown, unhealthy, weedy, pest infested mess? Here on the cusp of spring, consider what you want to grow in your garden and how you will tend to it. You can even practice this in an actual garden and make it something of a ritual to help you see the connection between you and your desires and how to properly nurture growth. Visualize and get clear about what you want; plant the seed of possibility with your intention. Tend to that desire with baby steps in that direction. Weed out doubt and distraction; which can be just as toxic as as planting bad seeds. Just like a real garden, you will begin to see the fruits of your efforts, but you must have consistent faith that the seeds you plant will bring you what you truly desire to have in this life. Just because you can not see it, does not mean it doesn't exist or won't exist.

To your continued growth....



1 comment:

  1. thank you so much Kristen, this article is
    an inspiration for me.
